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I Know Im Saved

I once was sad and lonely,
I felt so all alone
Until I asked the Lord to take control
He gave me an answer,and said that I was set free
He cleansed my heart and really blessed by soul.

I know I'm saved
I know I'm saved
I'm filled with the Holy Spirit deep inside
I know I'm saved
I know I'm saved
I'll always Keep my Saviour by my side.

I want to live for Jesus and tell of His great love
And thank Him for my blessings every day
He gave me sweet contentment and filled my heart with joy
And now in His loving kindness
I shall stay.

I know I'm saved
I know I'm saved
I'm filled with the Holy Spirit deep inside
I know I'm saved
I know I'm saved
I'll always Keep my Saviour by my side

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