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I Cannot Find The Way Alone

As I Journey through this veil of sorrows,
The way seems so strange and unknown
Lord I need a helping hand to hold on,
For I cannot find the way alone.

I cannot find the way without you,
Dear Lord look down from Thy Throne
And make the light to shine around me
For I cannot find the way alone.

I have no other friend to guide me,
And I'm so weak and undone,
Walk a little close Dear Lord beside me,
For I cannot find the way alone.

I cannot find the way without you,
Dear Lord look down from Thy Throne
And make the light to shine around me
For I cannot find the way alone.

When the raging storms of life come round me,
Dear Lord won't Thou give me
Thine warmth?
Let me feel Thine arms of love around me
For I cannot find the way alone.

I cannot find the way without you,
Dear Lord look down from Thy Throne
And make the light to shine around me
For I cannot find the way alone.

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