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I Am Resolved

I am Resolved no longer to linger,
Charmed by the world delight,
Things that are higher, things that are nobler,
These have allured my sight.

I will hasten to him,
Hasten so glad and free,
Jesus, greatest, highest,
I will come Thee.

I am Resolved to go to the Saviour,
Living my sin and strife,
He is the true one, He is the just one,
Ha hath the words of life.

I will hasten to him,
Hasten so glad and free,
Jesus, greatest, highest,
I will come Thee.

I am Resolved to follow the Saviour,
faithful and true each day;
Heed what He sayeth, do what he willeth,
He is the living way.

I will hasten to him,
Hasten so glad and free,
Jesus, greatest, highest,
I will come Thee.

I am Resolved to enter the kingdom,
Living the paths of sins;
Friends may oppose me, foes may besets me,
Till will I enter in.

I will hasten to him,
Hasten so glad and free,
Jesus, greatest, highest,
I will come Thee.

I am Resolved, and who will go with me?
Come friends without delay,
Thought by the Bible, lead by the spirit,
Will walk the heavenly way.

I will hasten to him,
Hasten so glad and free,
Jesus, greatest, highest,
I will come Thee.

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