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I Am Marked

I have lost my reputation since I turned my back on sin,
And a lot of friends went from me, since I let my Saviour in;
Now they pass me by unknown, when they once passed with a smile;
Now they say I'm foolish, and they say I'm out of style.

I am marked, marked, marked,
I am marked, now wherever I go;
I am marked, marked, marked,
Just what I am everyone seems to know.
I am sealed, sealed, sealed,
I am sealed by His Spirit Divine;
Oh glory to God! Hallelujah! Amen!
I am His, and I know He is mine.

Well, they say my life is ruined, and my talent thrown away,
My talent thrown away,
And they cannot understand it, for I had such plans one day;
But I know what I surrendered when promised I'd go through;
And I gained far more glory since God made me over new.

I am marked, marked, marked,
I am marked, now wherever I go;
I am marked, marked, marked,
Just what I am everyone seems to know.
I am sealed, sealed, sealed,
I am sealed by His Spirit Divine;
Oh glory to God! Hallelujah! Amen!
I am His, and I know He is mine.

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