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I Am Going To A City

I am going to a city,
Where the streets with gold are laid,
Where the tree of life is blooming;
And the roses never fade.

Here they bloom but for a season
Soon their beauty is decayed,
I am going to a city (am going)
Where the roses never fade.

In this world we have our troubles,
Satan's snares we must evade,
Will be free from all temptations,
Where the roses never fade.

Here they bloom but for a season
Soon their beauty is decayed,
I am going to a city (am going)
Where the roses never fade.

Loved ones gone to be with Jesus,
In their robes of white arrayed;
They are waiting for my coming
Where the roses never fade.

Here they bloom but for a season
Soon their beauty is decayed,
I am going to a city (am going)
Where the roses never fade.

Abraham who was our father,
Travelled day by day in faith;
He was looking for a city,
Where the roses never fade.

Here they bloom but for a season
Soon their beauty is decayed,
I am going to a city (am going)
Where the roses never fade.

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