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Hell Understand And Say Well Done!

If when you give the best of your service
Telling the world that the Saviour has come
Be not dismayed if men don't believe you,
He'll understand and say well done.
He'll understand and say well done.

Oh when I come to the end of life's Journey
Weary of life and the battle Is won,
Carrying the staff and the cross of redemption
He'll understand and say well done, x2

Misunderstood,the Saviour of Sinners,
Hang on the cross He was God's only Son
Oh hear Him call His Father in heaven
Let not my will but Thine be done. x 2

Oh when I come to the end of life's Journey
Weary of life and the battle Is won,
Carrying the staff and the cross of redemption
He'll understand and say well done, x2

If when this life of labour is ended,
And the reward of the race you have run
Take up the sweet rest prepared for the faithful,
Will be His blest and final well done. x 2

Oh when I come to the end of life's Journey
Weary of life and the battle Is won,
Carrying the staff and the cross of redemption
He'll understand and say well done, x2

But if you try and fail in your trying,
Hands sore and scarred from the work you^ve began
Take up thy cross run quickly to Jesus
He'll understand and say well done x2

Oh when I come to the end of life's Journey
Weary of life and the battle Is won,
Carrying the staff and the cross of redemption
He'll understand and say well done, x2

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