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Heavens Came Down

Oh what a wonderful,wonderful day
Day I'll never forget,
After I'd wandered in darkness away
Jesus my Saviour I met,
Oh what a tender,compassionate friend,
He met the needs of my heart
Shadows dispelling with joy I am telling
He made all the darkness depart.

Heavens came down and glory filled my soul,
When at the cross my Saviour made me whole,
My sins were washed away,
And my night was turned to day
Heavens came down and glory filled my soul.

Born of the spirit with life from above,
Into God's family divine,
Justified fully through calvary's love,
Oh what a standing is mine,
And the transaction so quickly was made,
When as a sinner I came,
Took up the offer of grace He did offer
He saved me O praise His dear name.

Heavens came down and glory filled my soul,
When at the cross my Saviour made me whole,
My sins were washed away,
And my night was turned to day
Heavens came down and glory filled my soul.

Now I have hope that I^ll surely endure,
After the passing of time,
I have a future in heaven for sure,
There in those mansions sublime,
And it's because of that wonderful day,
When at the cross I believed,
Riches eternal and blessing supernal,
From His precious hand I received.

Heavens came down and glory filled my soul,
When at the cross my Saviour made me whole,
My sins were washed away,
And my night was turned to day
Heavens came down and glory filled my soul.

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