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He Does Not Compel Us To Go

When the Canaanites hardened their hearts against God
And grieved Him because of their Sins
God sent along hornets to bring them to terms
And help His own people to win
The hornets persuaded them that it was best
To go quickly and not to go slow
God did not compel them to go against their will
But He just made them willing to go.

God does not compel us to go (anywhere)
He does not compel us to go (oh no)
God does not compel us to go against our will
But He just makes us willing to go.

If a nest of live hornets were sent to this room
And the creatures allowed to go free
You would not need urging to make yourself scared
You would want to get out don't you see
They would not hold or by force of their strength
Throw you out of the window, Oh, no!
They would not compel you to go against your will
They would just make you willing to go.

God does not compel us to go (anywhere)
He does not compel us to go (oh no)
God does not compel us to go against our will
But He just makes us willing to go.

When Jonah was sent to the work of the Lord
The outlook was not very bright
He did not need urging to make himself scared
So he packed and ran off from the fight
But God sent a big fish to swallow him up
The story I'm sure you all know
God did not compel him to go against his will,
But He just made him willing to go.

God does not compel us to go (anywhere)
He does not compel us to go (oh no)
God does not compel us to go against our will
But He just makes us willing to go.

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