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Gather In Christ The King

Shall we gather in Tucson, or in Jeffersonville?
That was the question that was asked one day
We just want to be,where we will be caught away.

The prophet answered the question,
He said It's been revealed to me,
I will tell you where to gather
Just gather In Christ the King.

Up in Sabino Canyon the Messenger was in prayer
The Sword of the King fell in his hand
It was the Word of God from the Son of Man.

The prophet answered the question,
He said It's been revealed to me,
I will tell you where to gather
Just gather In Christ the King.

Now that we know where to gather,
Now that we know where to stay,
Let's strive each day to abide in Him,
So when the time comes we will be there.

The prophet answered the question,
He said It's been revealed to me,
I will tell you where to gather
Just gather In Christ the King

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