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Eliezar Call

Oh get ready evening shadows fall
Can you hear the Eliezar calling
We have come into this wedding
And our joy is now in Him
In the evening when the camel trains come in

It was a day in early spring time
By an ancient wayside well
Eliezar posed to rest his camel train
He found a bride for Isaac as the evening shadows fell
For his weary journey had not been in vain

So he took a fair Rebecca like we do it now and then
To Abraham and Isaac far away
Now Rebecca loved her Isaac and
He loved Rebecca too
Oh it must have been a happy wedding day

Now the blessed Holy spirit from our Father God above
Has come down to earth to find a worldly bride
And our Isaac over yonder has prepared the tents of love
And He wants his fair Rebecca by his side

Now we left our kinfold gladly and we bade this world goodbye
We are going to a home beyond the sky
Where well soon behold our Isaac in that blessed eternity
Oh what a happy happy wedding that will be

All things ready now the evening shadows fell
Cant you hear the Eliezar calling
We have come into this wedding and our joys is now in Him
And the bridegroom bids His lovely Bride come in

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