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Bye Tukuwa Biva Gy'oli

Byetukuwa biva gy'oli,
Newakubadde nga bingi;
Bibyo byonna bye tulina,
Birabo by'otuteresa

(O)tuwe (e)kisa tuberenga
(A)bawanika b(o) abesigwa,
Nga twesoloza n'omwoyo
Ku bintu bye tuli nabyo.

(A)mawanga gonn(a) ag'omu nsi
Getaaga nny(o) Omulokozi;
Abantu be yafirira
Bawab(a) era basasana.

Gye mirimu gyaffe fenna,
(O)kukomyawo abakyama;
(O)kunoony(a) ababula, era
(O)kujjanjab(a) abafiiriddwa.

Bwatyo Yesu bwe yakola,
Ne yewaay(o) okubawonya;
Naffe tumugoberere,
Abonoonyi balokoke.

Yesu yatuyigiriza,
Ebyo bwe bimukolerwa;
Fenn(a) atunyikize wonna
(O)kugaba n'okwesoloza

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