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Lord Jesus, are we one with Thee?
O height, O depth of love!
Once slain for us upon the tree,
We're one with Thee above.

Our sins, our guilt, in love divine,
Confessed and borne by Thee;
The gall, the curse, the wrath were Thine,
To set Thy members free.

Ascended now in glory bright,
Still one with us Thou art;
Nor life, nor death, nor depth, nor height
Thy saints and Thee can part!

O teach us, Lord, to know and own
This wondrous mystery,
That Thou with us art truly one,
And we are one with Thee.

Soon, soon shall come that glorious day,
When, seated on Thy throne,
Thou shalt to wond'ring worlds display
That Thou with us art one.

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